A Typical Year
Overview of ABSOLUTE House program: There are 4 Phases each taking 3 to 6 months.
1st Month:
You move in, meet with Program Coordinator to setup a specific plan for you to succeed. Develop relationships with the other ABSOLUTE House members. You are finding a job, beginning your curriculum, meeting with mentors, and attending church.
2nd Month:
You have a job. You are meeting with mentors and the Program Coordinator regularly. You are beginning to work in your curriculum book. You have completed your "Vision and Goals" paperwork and are walking out the steps to complete them. We are having fun as a "House" doing group functions.
3rd Month:
You are excited to see how Jesus is going to lead you! The curriculum is challenging you. You are feeling comfortable. Your mentors are speaking truth into your life. You're getting into a groove with your job and ABSOLUTE House responsibilities. House meetings and times with the Program Coordinator are regular along with your "network" of support.
4th Month:
You are excelling at your job. You are experiencing the liberty that comes with your new life. The curriculum continues to challenge you. The Program Coordinator and your mentors are asking you hard questions that further your growth. You should complete your first set of curriculum.
5th Month:
You are realizing how awesome life is when you give Jesus control. You and the Program Coordinator meet to specifically discuss whatyou next goals for a course of study. Your mentors are giving you great advice and you really look forward to your time with them. You are making new friends constantly, but realizing your need to stay focused.
6th Month:
You might feel as though you can do it on your own, but don't get ahead of yourself...you're doing awesome! Remain on course. Your new curriculum is difficult yet you are excited about your new direction and changed life. Hopefully you have acquired dependable transportation or at least made a plan to. Your "network" of mentors is being very blunt about areas they see that need addressing. You have selected your church and are actively involved.
7th Month:
You love worship times with God. He is constantly speaking to you now and you have learned how to respond. You're wrapping up your second course of study. You enjoy "speaking" into other people's lives and encouraging them. Your job and house chores are second nature (you have developed a pattern). Group functions are awesome. Example...Mariners or Seahawks games as a house.
8th Month:
You are beginning to see how awesome the rest of your life will be with Jesus. You are constantly gaining wisdom and knowledge. Your family has been positively changed and impacted by your time at the ABSOLUTE House. The Program Coordinator is expecting more of you as a "veteran" of the house. You are helping others and it is a joy to help them.
9th Month:
You finish your 3rd set of study materials. You select the next one with the Program Coordinator and curriculum volunteers. Your co-workers and employer have noticed how you are different from others and they find it appealing. You are seen as a leader at "meetings" and church activities. You are amazed at how Jesus is using you to impact other people in a positive way.
10th Month:
The Program Coordinator and your mentors meet with you to discuss where you "are" and how to set you up for further success. You voice your concerns or "hangups" first and then we decide together how best to continue to help and walk alongside you.
11th Month:
You are continuing to see your growth as exciting and beneficial to you and everyone around you. You are most likely well into your 2nd Phase (at least) of the program.
12th Month:
You are excited to be at the end of your 1 year mark. You know Jesus has brought you a long way and you know that the work he began in you he has promised to finish (Ph 1:6). The Program Coordinator and your mentors continue to walk alongside you as you explore this new life you have. At this point you have made awesome relationships in the church and are really progressing in the community and at your job.